About Nassau
Nassau Teatro APS is a social promotion association, legally recognised and enrolled in the register of RUNTS, Registro Unico Nazionale del Terzo Settore.
Founded in April 2023, Nassau Teatro APS was intentionally instituted out of the need to create a gathering place where not only can children, teenagers and adults meet to share their passion for theater together, but also it’s the place where several artistic activities related to theatre, such as dance, singing, photography, etc., are seriously taken into consideration.
In particular, our association has the acquisition, the improvement and the of the main theatrical techniques as the main purposes, realised through the exercise of various activities, such as theater
and performing arts courses, theatrical productions, workshops, masterclasses, traineeships and cultural events.
Such activities are made possible thanks to the collaboration of highly qualified theater teachers who have been working in the area for many years and who have put their skills, experience and knowledge at our disposal because they support this project and its significant role.
At the same time, another milestone of Nassau is the theatrical productions in order to “mettre en place” annual shows that involve young talents from all over Italy and from abroad. In this way a proper knowledge and artistic competence exchange between national and international companies is favored.

Historically, the island on which Nassau is located boasts of being the happy pirates island, a refuge-reality democratically governed on the basis of a moral code and a conduct code intended to protect the welfare of the population.
In the same way, Nassau Teatro APS, focusing on its members, considered its very true core, places itself in a dimension of listening to their requests and needs as a way to promote a positive and safe enhancing environment.
De facto, Nassau Teatro APS truly believes that theatre activity is very useful tool for increasing different kinds of skills such as self-awareness, emotion manage-ment, empathy, creative and expressive thinking and problem solving skills, the so-called Life Skills.
Thus, beyond encouraging to master the technique, it turns out that the practice of theatre becomes the boat’s wheel in the acquisition of transversal skills related to daily life.